Configure OpenDKIM with Postfix on Debian Wheezy

Postfix_logoShort tutorial how to install and configure OpenDKIM with Postfix on Debian Wheezy. OpenDKIM is really useful for signing your mail messages by generated pair of private key which is afterwards validated by public key stored as TXT DNS record for lookup by other servers. In result, If you want avoid your sent messages to be marked as spam, follow this easy tutorial. This will help other mail servers to trust your mail server.

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Handoff pro Mac mini 2011 a MacBook Air 2011

Funkce Handoff, která byla uvedena v OS X Yosemite vyžaduje kartu s technologií Bluetooth 4.0 LE. Tyto dva modely disponují BT4.0LE, bohužel je Apple dal na černou listinu a tato funkce není pro tyto modely běžně dostupná.

S trochou šikovností lze ale tuto novou užitečnou funkci do Mac mini (Mid 2011) a MacBook Air (Mid 2011) dostat – a budou plně funkční. Stačí pouze upravit příslušné Kexty.

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Poodlebleed – disable SSL 3.0 support on Windows Server 2012/2008/2003 R2


  1. regedit
  2. Go to: HKey_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProviders SCHANNELProtocols
  3. Create new key named “SSL 3.0”
  4. Inside SSL 3.0 create new key named “Server”
  5. Inside Server create new dword 32bit “Enabled”
  6. Make sure dword Enabled has value “0”
  7. Reboot server

There is registry source to fix it (PoodleBleed-Fix.reg):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocolsSSL 3.0Server]