If you use Cloudflare proxy servers to secure your web services I recommend you to allow external traffic only from Cloudflare. Otherwise you expose your web servers to attackers from the external network.
Set LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 1 via PowerShell
Ansible/Packer over WinRM can experience UAC Elevated rights issues if logged over the network.
To fix the issue:
Powershell – Measure-Object is not exact because of rounding/flooring
In case you want to get maximal value without rounding/flooring – to be exact you should not use Measure-Object. You need to enumerate array (which is also faster).
Prevent waking up from sleep Windows 10
If you experience your Windows 10 machine wakes up from sleep you can disable this behavior following this manual.
How to activate Windows Server 2012 R2 by phone
In case your Windows Server 2012/R2 does not have access to the internet to verify MAK key you will need to do phone activation. Unfortunately you can’t do this so easily via GUI. But via CMD you can.
Determine if KMS server is manually set
If you need to verify that Windows Computers/Servers are activated against KMS server by manually specified KMS server and port use following PowerShell command: