This is updated version how to install OScam on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Stretch, Debian or Ubuntu).
(Here is older tutorial: OScam installation on (L)Ubuntu 16.04)
This is updated version how to install OScam on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Stretch, Debian or Ubuntu).
(Here is older tutorial: OScam installation on (L)Ubuntu 16.04)
This tutorial will be about installation of latest version OpenATV (during writing of this article version 6.2) for Enigma2 compatible Linux Satellite receivers and installation of OScam (CAM software). Later OScam will be configured to connect to external OScam server and secured by password together with OpenWebIf.
Solution how to fix following error generated in /var/log/syslog by mysqld service on Ubuntu 16.04 with MariaDB 10.0.x:
mysqld: 181210 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
Script which will scan all DHCP scopes and report in which is MAC address located (if any).
Example how to split text into 2 part with Powershell version 2+.
Article describing registration of Active Directory Service Principal Names (SPN) and troubleshooting.